Using Buys

KOMOJU Buys allows you to manage product information in KOMOJU, enabling you to sell your products directly to customers either via a widget embedded in your website or using a "buy link" shared with specific customers or broadcast on social media. Customers will be given the option to pay with any of the payment methods enabled on your account.

To try KOMOJU Buys, create a product on the KOMOJU products page and include the HTML tag in any page. You will see a "buy" button like the one below which customers can click to purchase the product. Note that for testing credit card purchases, you can use the test cards provided Payments/Test Inputs.

Below is an example of a KOMOJU Buys link:


Required Parameters

data-product-idProduct ID

Optional Parameters

data-endpointEndpoint URL""
data-quantityQuantity to buy1
data-localeLanguage shown (currently en and ja are supported)"auto"
data-family-nameFamily name
data-first-nameGiven name
data-family-name-kanaFamily name (Katakana)
data-frst-name-kanaGiven name (Katakana)
data-emailE-mail address
data-phonePhone number
data-country-codeCountry Code(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)"auto"
data-zip-codePostal code
data-addressStreet/Building name

SSL (Recommended)

All information transmitted between KOMOJU Buys and KOMOJU is encoded using SSL. In order to reduce the risk of session hijacking by a man-in-the-middle attack, we highly recommend that you secure your site with ssl (https).